Q: How many Guest(s) can stay in your rental house?
A: Tsumugi Inn can host up to 5 Guest(s) each, while Karaku Inn can host up to 4 Guest(s).
* Infants / babies are not included.
Q: What forms of payment do you accept?
A: We accept the following credit cards as well as cash. (Cash payments must be in Japanese yen.)
-Diners Club
-American Express
Q: Are tour guides available?
A: Our staff can provide information on various tours offered in the area for our Guest(s). They can also answer questions regarding things such as traffic information, getting around, event booking, etc.. Please feel free to ask!
Our rental homes are located in the heart of Kyoto, which provides easy access to most popular attractions in Kyoto, Nara city and Osaka. To this end we will provide as much information on Nara, Osaka and other places as we can.
Q: Does the rental fee include meals?
A: No, but there are plenty of great places to eat in the area.
At the time of check-in, we will give you a map which shows eateries near the house.
Q: Do you provide maid service?
A: Staff is not on site to perform daily maid service but fresh linens and supplies are available during your stay.
Q: Do you offer bicycle rental?
A: Tsumugi Inn has 2 bicycles.
Karaku Inn provide 4 bicycles.
Q: Why stay with Kyoto Vacation Rental Club?
A: Our motto is "Spend time in Kyoto like you live there". Our centrally-located inns will put you right in the middle of wherever you want to be when visiting our beautiful city. We provide a clean, comfortable place to experience what it feels like to live in Kyoto as a local, as opposed to merely staying in a hotel. Greeting your neighbor in the morning with "Ohayo Gozaimasu" as you step outside your door; shopping at the market for locally-grown food to cook in your kitchen, or finding a new favorite dish at one of the many eateries nearby; discovering something new and exciting behind the next hidden corner or tiny side street. These are just some of the things that make the difference between "visiting" and "experiencing" Kyoto.
We invite you to make your trip to Japan even more memorable by staying in Kyoto like you live here.